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Created 26-Aug-11
Modified 14-Mar-22
Visitors 787
23 photos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:barges, boats, boats, british canals, bury, canals, radcliffe, reservoirs, water supply, waterways

MBBC, Warth Bridge Nov 1953

MBBC, Warth Bridge Nov 1953

HRS 512 Radcliffe, Dolly Brook

HRS 512 Radcliffe, Dolly Brook

HRS 513 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, cast iron notice 1960s

HRS 513 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, cast iron notice 1960s

HRS 514 MBBC Bealeys coal wharf Eton Hill

HRS 514 MBBC Bealeys coal wharf Eton Hill

HRS 515 MBBC looking towards Withins 1973

HRS 515 MBBC looking towards Withins 1973

HRS 516 MBBC Swan and people Radcliffe c1970

HRS 516 MBBC Swan and people Radcliffe c1970

HRS 517 MBBC Water Lane wharf Radcliffe

HRS 517 MBBC Water Lane wharf Radcliffe

HRS 518 MBBC, Radcliffe Water Lane dock c1900

HRS 518 MBBC, Radcliffe Water Lane dock c1900

HRS 519 MBBC Whittaker Bridge pit wharf

HRS 519 MBBC Whittaker Bridge pit wharf

HRS 520 MBBC Whittaker Bridge masons marks

HRS 520 MBBC Whittaker Bridge masons marks

HRS 521 MBBC Whittaker Bridge OS Bench Mark

HRS 521 MBBC Whittaker Bridge OS Bench Mark

HRS 522 MBBC Withins Bridge and wharf Feb 1968

HRS 522 MBBC Withins Bridge and wharf Feb 1968

HRS 523 MBBC Bank Top, re-floated canal boats 1973

HRS 523 MBBC  Bank Top, re-floated canal boats 1973

HRS 524 MBBC milestone near Withins c1971

HRS 524 MBBC milestone near Withins c1971

HRS 525 MBBC Preparing to lift coal boat Radcliffe 1980s

HRS 525 MBBC Preparing to lift coal boat  Radcliffe 1980s

HRS 526 MBBC towline grooves Radcliffe 1976

HRS 526 MBBC towline grooves Radcliffe 1976

HRS 527 MBBC, Swans on nest Radcliffe 1965

HRS 527 MBBC, Swans on nest  Radcliffe 1965

HRS 528 MBBC Whittaker Bridge looking towards Bury c1971

HRS 528 MBBC Whittaker Bridge looking towards Bury c1971

HRS 529 Radcliffe MBBC dredging canal Whittaker Bridge 1970s

HRS 529 Radcliffe MBBC dredging canal Whittaker Bridge 1970s

HRS 530 Radcliffe MBBC coal boat (Image one)

HRS 530 Radcliffe MBBC coal boat (Image one)