THE HERITAGE IMAGE REGISTER is a Free 'Archive' Service for individuals, families, heritage groups, photographic societies, archives, private & public organisations, museums & others to display and promote heritage images of North West England, Lake District & North Wales.

IMAGE PURCHASE Many of the images are available to purchase at reasonable rates, this helps fund the site. Please note however, that some of our contributors whilst they have generously agreed to display their images for educational, local history research and general interest do not (for copyright, legal, ownership & other reasons) wish to them to be copied or available for sale.

13372 photos, 2 videos


The Heritage Photo Archive is curated by a qualified heritage professional who has worked in museums, archives, & libraries for over 40 years. He was founder and Director of the pioneering North West Sound Archive recording hundreds of oral history interviews. A selection of oral history and other important heritage recording can be found in the ORAL HISTORY Gallery. CLICK Oral History Gallery

PHOTO PRESERVATION: Following retirement from the Sound Archive, he founded Heritage Recording UK, offering training, consultancy and contract work in heritage recording and preservation.  Clients included English Heritage, National Trust, RSPB, National Library of Wales, United Nations (War Crimes Tribunal) Dry Stone Walling Association UK etc.  He realised that many heritage photos held in private collections are being lost and so set up heritagephotoarchiveuk to preserve those photographs and Collections