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Visitors 53
4 photos
This Gallery contains many rare and fascinating oral history excerpts collected over many years. Following the closure of the North West Sound Archive due to cuts in public expenditure, and the extreme difficulty of access to the stored recordings, I have decided to include a selection from my own work. Other recordings made later after leaving the Archive are also included.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:audio, dialects, language, memories, north west sound archive, oral history, people, reminiscences, sound recording

Radcliffe Remembered, When men had to run through molten brass ...

Radcliffe Remembered, When men had to run through molten brass ...

Radcliffe Remembered, A Victorian remembers, The story of white chain-horse

Radcliffe Remembered, A Victorian remembers, The story of white chain-horse

Radcliffe Remembered, A Victorian remembers how mental health was dealt with c1910

Radcliffe Remembered, A Victorian remembers how mental health was dealt with c1910

Radcliffe Remembered, When the rope was cut ..

Radcliffe Remembered, When the rope was cut ..