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CWS, Manchester, Computers Honeywell 400

The CWS were early users of computers. This Honeywell 400 mainframe computer in 1967 worked in an air-conditioned sealed glass room. KH

Ian Watson kindly sent the following information, I am also grateful to Ian for helping to restore my original image of the Computer at work.

"This was a Honeywell 400 computer. It had six tape drives, card reader, paper tape reader, console and line-printer. It had no disc storage and was located on the 4th floor of the old Bank building overlooking Victoria station. As the computer had only tape storage, some processing jobs took hours to complete.The photograph was taken from the observation room built so that visitors could see what was a novelty at the time."
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Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:1967, CWS, co-operative wholesale society, computers, honeywell 400, ian watson, manchester

CWS, Manchester, Computers Honeywell 400