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Created 31-Aug-19
Modified 10-May-22
Visitors 107
42 photos
Tan Hill Inn is the highest inn in England at 1732 ft (500m) above sea level. The reason for its existence was the discovery of a coalfield consisting of a series of shallow coal seams, the 'inn' originally being part of a small mining community, the cottages being demolished in 1929. The coal seams were thin and are part of the Carboniferous millstone grit series. The significance of the coalfield is often missed, it is early and dates back to the 13th century providing coal initially for domestic use and later for use in local lime kilns. There are many features left to see, including open mine shafts which are potentially hazardous. See Northern Mine Research Society, British Mining no86 pp 68-108 The Great Dales coalfield, Eastern areas by MC Gill 2008 Further details including the historyof the inn can be found at Tan Hill Inn

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:coalmining, cumbria, industrial archaeology, richmondshire, shafts, tan hill inn, tanhill coalfield, yorkshire

Tan Hill Coalfield, Yorkshire OS 1854

Tan Hill Coalfield, Yorkshire  OS 1854

HRS 10386 Tan Hill, road leading up from south L7740906

HRS 10386 Tan Hill, road leading up from south L7740906

HRS 10362 View northward from Tan Hill Inn area DSC_0019

HRS 10362 View northward from Tan Hill Inn area DSC_0019

HRS 10368 Tan Hill Inn Aug 2019 L1190384

HRS 10368 Tan Hill Inn Aug 2019 L1190384

HRS 10381 Tan Hill Inn, alternative winter transport L1190403

HRS 10381 Tan Hill Inn, alternative winter transport L1190403

HRS 10363 Tan Hill Inn from east DSC_0020

HRS 10363 Tan Hill Inn from east DSC_0020

HRS 10387 Tan Hill, looking north to coal mining patchwork of sites L7740908

HRS 10387 Tan Hill, looking north to coal mining patchwork of sites L7740908

HRS 10369 Tan Hill, peat L1190385

HRS 10369 Tan Hill, peat L1190385

HRS 10370 Tan Hill coal mine access road L1190387

HRS 10370 Tan Hill coal mine access road L1190387

HRS 10371 Tan Hill coal pit shaft L1190391

HRS 10371 Tan Hill coal pit shaft L1190391

HRS 10372 Tan Hill, track and causeway across beck looking south L1190392

HRS 10372 Tan Hill, track and causeway across beck looking south L1190392

HRS 10373 Tan Hill, moorland from coal pit looking east L1190390

HRS 10373 Tan Hill, moorland from coal pit looking east L1190390

HRS 10374 Tan Hill, embankment across beck L1190393

HRS 10374 Tan Hill, embankment across beck L1190393

HRS 10375 Tan Hill coal samples L1190395

HRS 10375  Tan Hill coal samples L1190395

HRS 10376 Tan Hill coal sample with layering L1190396

HRS 10376 Tan Hill coal sample with layering L1190396

HRS 10377 Tan Hill, coal sample with iron staining L1190398

HRS 10377 Tan Hill, coal sample with iron staining L1190398

HRS 10378 Tan Hill, coal sample with iron staining L1190399

HRS 10378 Tan Hill, coal sample with iron staining L1190399

HRS 10379 Tan Hill, coal mine shaft and coal residue in foreground L1190400

HRS 10379 Tan Hill, coal mine shaft and coal residue in foreground L1190400

HRS 10380 Tan Hill, coal mine shaft L1190402

HRS 10380 Tan Hill, coal mine shaft L1190402

HRS 10382 Tan Hill, coal sample L1190405

HRS 10382 Tan Hill, coal sample  L1190405